In America, with its vast size and impressive system of highways and byways, the road trip is a fixture in our lives. Either taken with the family on vacation or with friends as a rite of passage, most Americans have taken aimless road trips at some point or another.
America's Interstate Highway
System: Road Trip Nirvana |
Naturally, it's a lot more expensive nowadays with the price of gas so much higher than it was when I was younger, but a lot of the credit for who I am must be given to road trips I took in my late teens and early twenties. It gave me that sense of adventure and desire to just set out and explore, without a fixed plan or rigid itinerary. After high school, having grown up in Alabama, one of my best friends and I drove up the entire eastern coast of the United States and on into Canada. I saw New York for the first time, ate lobster on a small island off the coast of Connecticut, and crossed into a foreign country for the first time. Back then, passports weren't even required for Americans to go into Canada. It was subsequent road trips that first introduced me to Colorado and the Rocky Mountains, the place I'd come to call home and spend nearly all of my adult life. I've driven on both coasts, in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Boston... driven to Canada, Mexico, and in a few other foreign countries, too.

So it was with this mindset that I suggested a Malaysian road trip of sorts to my friends. Two of them were participating in the annual Penang Bridge Run, an international marathon that attracts thousands from all over the world to run across the 13.5-km Penang bridge, itself one of the world's longest. There are categories for a full marathon (42 km), a half marathon (21 km), and about a quarter marathon (10 km). My friends were doing the 10-km run, which started at 6 a.m. (The full marathon began at 2 a.m.) They invited me and some others along, so I booked us a two-bedroom suite a couple of months ago -- which even then was hard to come by since the race attracted a record 27,500 runners this year from 67 countries -- and then two of us planned to continue a road trip beyond Penang after our stay there.
Everyone following this so far?
So I proposed that we just head north from Penang, drive into Thailand, go wherever we felt like there, then come back to Malaysia, drive over to Kuala Perlis (at the very northern tip) and take the ferry to Langkawi. No real plans, no hotel reservations beyond Penang, just going where the road took us.
At the Gurney Drive Hawker Center |
So on the morning of the 19th, the five of us all met at a nearby McDonald's for breakfast, then set off for Penang afterwards. It's about a three-hour drive, and we had good weather, so it was easy. We arrived at our hotel in Bayan Lepas around midafternoon, got checked in and situated, rested for awhile, then went off in search of dinner. We decided to go to the hawker centers at Gurney Drive, which is in the heart of Georgetown. Even at the best of times, this stretch of roads is jam-packed, so it took us a long while to get there, find parking, and get to the food stalls. Look at the sea of people there! We all wandered off in search of different food. I waited in line for about 15 minutes to get an order of Penang's famous
char kuey teow, truly one of my favorite dishes in Malaysia.
Firing up an order of
spicy Char Kuey Teow in the wok |
Ivan and Cat at 5 a.m.,
modeling their official racewear |
Owing to my awesomely giving nature, I generously agreed to wake up at 5 a.m. to drive Ivan and Cat, the two who were running in the race, to the place they needed to be to start their run. In retrospect, the hotel was actually fairly close to Queensbay Mall, so they could have actually walked (we saw many people doing just that), but really, who wants to walk 2-3 km to the starting point of a 10-km run?? Anyway, here they are with their official race shirts and everything. So we got to Queensbay and there were people everywhere. Now, keep in mind, the runners in the full and half marathons were already all well underway; only the 10-km and "fun run" participants were meeting at this time, and there were still thousands and thousands of them. They've been doing this annually since the bridge opened in 1985, and it's really well-publicized, but still, the nine-hour closure of the bridge causes problems for those unaware of the race. Last year, some 200 people missed flights because of it, quite a few of them international holidaymakers who had no idea the bridge would be closed. Since it's (at the time) the only connection to the mainland apart from painfully slow and infrequent ferries, the closure can be a real headache. They are currently building a second bridge to the island, though... we saw it to the south as we crossed the bridge to Penang. It's scheduled to be completed in September 2013, so in a couple of years, there will be an alternate route for motorists during the race closure.
So Ivan and Cat both finished in the top half (or maybe top third) of their respective categories (10-km men, 10-km women), got their medals, and walked back to the hotel room, where all the rest of us were still very much passed out asleep. They napped for a bit after returning, and after we had all taken our respective showers and gotten packed, we checked out around 1 p.m. and once again, ventured in to Georgetown, and stopped at a seaside restaurant for some lunch. Then some of the group headed back to KL, while some of us went north to Thailand and the beginning of the
real road trip.
I had never been further north by car than the Penang Bridge exit on the North-South Highway, so for me, that's where the adventure really kicked in. Everything was fresh and new, although I must admit, the landscape looked the same. Ha ha. So we drove the two hours to the Thai border, coughed up even more money in tolls (the total bill for tolls on this trip was alarming... more on that later), and stopped at the big "Zon" duty-free shop, the same one that's in airports, that lies between the Malaysia and Thai borders. Officially, I think it's still in Malaysia, but it seems to exist in this sort of limbo, where you've sort of left Malaysia, but haven't technically entered Thailand yet. We popped in and I bought a 5-liter box of Australian wine, some Scotch whiskey, and a bottle of creme de cacao liqueur. Oh, and a couple of beers. I don't really drink beer here much (certainly not the local swill), but I do like to use it for cooking -- it's great for making breads and batters, but a single can is so expensive here, I never bother. Duty-free, however, a can of beer only costs about RM2, so I picked up two cans. Ivan headed straight for the chocolate and bought, I think, about a metric ton of it.
Here's the border crossing... luckily not too crowded |
After that, we proceeded on to the border, which is best described as a 50/50 blend of chaos and apathy. It was bizarre. There seemed to be no rhyme nor reason to the process... some people were just waved through, almost no one was stopped nor any car inspected, and yet we still had to do the whole thing twice to get it right. First we had to drive into Thailand and park behind this big building. Now technically at this point, we are fully in Thailand and could have just driven merrily on. There was no one to stop us (except a random monkey sitting there picking through the garbage, no joke). But we took our passports and documents to the walk-through section, took care of that, then went and got in the car to drive on in. However, at this time, there WAS an actual non-simian person there, who said we had to go around the other way. So we backtracked around behind the aforementioned building and drove
back through one of the "entry" lanes, where we were directed to park (at the same place we had been before... sigh), and fill out more paperwork to bring the car into Thailand. Because of old tariff regulations that are still on the books, what you actually must do is "temporarily import a vehicle for the purpose of tourism." I had researched this ahead of time, so I knew to have the registration form with me. So the lady printed up the form while eating a piece of cake and dropping crumbs all over the book I had to sign (this was the apathy part of the blend), and once I signed that, agreeing in fact to re-export the car within 30 days or pay a big fine, we drove on into the border town of Dannok, just a couple of dozen kilometers south of Sadao. (As an interesting note, all the dates on the form were in Buddhist calendar form... I think this is year 2554 in the Buddhist era. So I was agreeing to export my car from Thailand before December 21, 2554.)
Streetside in Dannok, Thailand |
Now, Dannok itself is not on any map, but it has a bank, a bunch of shops, at least a dozen karaoke clubs (which are apparently just fronts for sex dens judging by the girls hanging around them), and a McDonald's, so it is a legitimate town. And like all border towns, it's a wild and fun place to hang out. We arrived just before sundown, so there was a palpable buzz of activity as everyone was rushing to get their business handled before darkness fell. We drove around, then parked and walked around, just taking it all in. The difference between Malaysia and Thailand is as extreme as the difference between Singapore and Malaysia at the southern border. Just as Singapore is financially leagues ahead of Malaysia, so too is Malaysia ahead of Thailand, and you can tell as you cross the border.
"Excuse me, sir? Sir? I'm gonna have to ask you to
move your elephant." |
We hadn't been in Thailand for ten minutes when we saw our first elephant being "parked" in front of the bank, right next to all the motorbikes. I half-expected to see an "Elephant Parking Only" sign there. Awhile later, we had ventured off the main road and, quite by accident, stumbled on this open-air restaurant that was doing brisk business. Their sign proclaimed an all-you-can-eat buffet for a ridiculously cheap 119 Baht. One of the great things about traveling in Thailand is that the Thai Baht usually runs at about 10:1 to the Malaysian Ringgit, so it makes currency conversion very easy. Thus, 119 Baht is RM11.90 (about US$3.75). We had also seen this little food stall selling crabs, and we were really leaning towards having crabs for dinner, but their price was really quite high. Why are crabs always so expensive? They're not rare, they're easy to catch, and even easier to cook. But for some reason, no matter where you go, things like crabs and shrimp cost a bomb. Anyway, for quite a bit less than the cost of one kilo of crabs (four medium-sized ones), we could have two buffets at the other place, so we opted for that and headed back there. In the end, it was a great decision.
Sliced pork belly... otherwise known as BACON! |
Steamboats are a popular way to eat here in Malaysia. A pot of simmering broth, usually spicy, is served over a propane-fueled fire at your table, and an assortment of seafood and vegetables are provided for cooking in the soup. This buffet was similar in some ways, but quite different in others. First, the fire wasn't fueled by gas, but rather a big clay kettle of flaming coals, which was delivered to the table and placed in a cut-out in the center. Then, an aluminum shield was placed over the fire. This shield has a raised portion for grilling, and a "moat" around that for the broth, which was delivered in a big kettle, so we could replenish the broth during the course of the meal. A little trolley for drinks and a bucket of ice was delivered and parked next to the table. Then you just help yourself to the buffet line of chilled meats and other goodies -- fish balls, crab sticks, etc. The meats were amazing... thin-sliced beef and pork belly (bacon!), three types of marinated chicken meat, boneless fish fillets, and some other stuff that, lacking any signage to identify it, we skipped (I'm guessing various organs -- liver and such... yikes). It was all super-cold, so I give them props for handling the meat properly. Indeed, it was so cold, the meat slices were freezing together, so I would just extricate a chunk of beef with about 10-15 slices and within a couple of minutes on my tray at the table, it thawed to the point of easy separation. There was another buffet table loaded with fresh produce, too...
kailan, oyster and straw mushrooms, noodles, and more. There was yet another table with six different types of sauces, all freshly made. And if none of those tickled your fancy, there was a station where you could make your own... all the traditional Thai ingredients from garlic to chilies to limes to shallots and more... and a big mortar and pestle so you could pound your spices fresh-to-order. There was even a container of fresh coconut milk for making curries if you wanted. It was brilliant. We only got two of the six sauces, but they were both absolutely amazing.
Waiting to be cooked |
A portrait of happiness on aluminum |
So we loaded up our trays with food and sat down to start cooking. Now, unfortunately, this picture doesn't really make it all look very appetizing. For whatever reason, it doesn't convey the heat and sizzle of the grill. But it was definitely hot... and the beef and bacon slices were our favorites. And as the meal wore on, the grill became coated with a thin layer of burned fats and juicy bits, most of which dribbled down into the moat full of broth. Towards the end of the meal, as you would expect, the broth was spectacularly flavorful. We couldn't stop eating. The
kailan, cooked until tender in the broth, was simply the best I've ever had. So we sat there for over three hours, just enjoying a wonderful meal at a price that, quite simply, almost defied belief. At the end, we got some fresh watermelon and tossed it in our ice bucket to chill it down, then ate that as our dessert. We could barely walk when we finished, but we waddled back to the car, then drove back to the main street and found a nice, but basic, hotel for RM38 (about US$11.90). They offered free covered car parking, free WiFi in the rooms (wow), hot water, and air conditioning (in fact, the air-con unit in our room was brand-new). Amusingly, it had started raining by that time, and we had gotten our bags out of the car under the covered parking, and I was looking for my umbrella. After searching feverishly for 2-3 minutes and finally locating it deep under the passenger seat, literally as I popped it open, the rain stopped. I mean
totally stopped. Nothing like being cruelly mocked by Mother Nature!
The Dannok McDonald's...
Probably the nicest place in town |
The next morning, we finally got up and moving around 11 or 12 (Thailand is an hour behind Malaysia), and went to the rather nice McDonald's next door to the hotel. Ivan had seen their sign advertising "Corn Pies" and gotten himself all worked into a lather to try one. In the end, he got two, and a giant iced coffee. The McDonald's (McDonald'ses?) in Malaysia do not sell this Corn Pie, so he was super keen to try it. I had a couple of bites, and it was indeed delicious... very crispy and flaky. Even better than their Apple Pie. We later talked to a girl here in KL who works for corporate McDonald's and learned that the pie is not certified
halal for whatever reason, so it's not served in Malaysia for that reason. It's not like it has pork in it, obviously, but something about it doesn't meet Malaysia's standards for
halal certification, and since the McDonald's here are all
halal restaurants, there are no corn pies. Sad, because they're really good, and given Malaysians' penchant for eating sweet corn as a dessert item, would doubtlessly sell very well.
Ivan and his Corn Pies |
We drove a bit further into Thailand, but ultimately decided not to go all the way to Hat Yai, a good-sized city (Thailand's fourth-largest) about an hour north. So we turned around, drove back into Malaysia (which we had to do twice because, once again owing to the apathy part of the blend, the immigration folks couldn't be bothered to stamp our passports or collect our immigration cards as we exited Thailand). We also had to "export" my car, too, which consisted of handing the form back in. Then it was finally back to Malaysia.
Shortly after crossing the border, we took the new highway from Changlun to Kuala Perlis, stopping along the way to photograph some of the rice paddy fields. It was really a nice bit of scenery.
Looking north towards Thailand |
So much GREEN... everywhere we looked |
I love these flattened-looking trees! |
Awaiting the ferry to Langkawi |
Once we got to Kuala Perlis, a small seaside town very near the Thai border, we found a very muddy spot to leave my car, and took a couple of overnight bags and walked to the jetty and bought tickets for the 6 p.m. ferry to Langkawi, which takes about 70 minutes and costs RM18. You can see the general bedlam here in the waiting area. This was only half of the area... the whole boat was filled, I think... about 400 people. The seats were jammed in there like an AirAsia flight, too. Fortunately, Ivan and I both passed out and napped very shortly after the ferry got underway and woke up just as we were steaming into the waters around Langkawi.
This was my third time to Langkawi, maybe my fourth... I can't recall. It's a nice place to visit... quiet, nice beaches, lots of history and legend to learn about, and a big enough island to spend a few days exploring. As it turns out, we only stayed one night, but I think it'd be fun to go back and spend more time there and really wander around.
As we got off the boat, we were accosted by a swarm of taxi drivers, naturally, but one of the guys asked if we wanted to rent a car, which we did. I told him I wanted to spend about RM60-70, and he said that was fine. So we went to the big jetty arrival/departure building (it's like a small airport but without planes... restaurants, duty-free shops, the works) and waited for the car to be delivered. Once it arrived, we put our stuff in the back, I got in and sat down and looked at the utter despair of this vehicle, which I think was a mid-90s model of Proton that isn't even made anymore. Even in the dark, it looked pathetic. Honestly, my old Tiara was in better condition. So I actually got out, chased the rental people down and told them that this car simply wouldn't do. It was just a
total piece of sad crap. So they made some phone calls and procured a much better Nissan Sentra for us. It cost a little more, but was totally worth it.
RM29! Yes!! |
We went to the main town, Kuah, and hit the duty-free shops (Langkawi is a duty-free island), where once again, Ivan zeroed in on the chocolates, and I went for the booze. I scored a liter of Bacardi rum for a scant RM29 (just over US$9). A liter of Bacardi in KL costs upwards of RM150. We then ate a light dinner at a local restaurant -- just had fried noodles and Japanese beer (Sapporo... RM3 there, RM13-15 in KL). Then it was off to find a hotel. It didn't take us long to find a place... and it was only RM60 per night. Most unfortunately, as we discovered later, our room was over a karaoke bar and we had to endure a carousel of horrible, delusional "singers" drunkenly wailing into the microphone until 3 a.m. Unsurprisingly, it was pretty easy to drift off to sleep after they closed down.

The next day consisted of wandering the beach (Pantai Cenang), having pizza at Artisan's Cafe, shopping, and going to the really amazing Langkawi Cable Car and Sky Bridge at about 3 p.m. For whatever reason, I had never been there before, but I'm glad that's no longer the case. Very much worth the price of admission (RM30 for me, RM15 for Malaysians). It was completed in 2003 and is really an amazing piece of engineering. The steepest incline is
42°, one of the steepest in the world, and the longest free span of cable, which is almost alarming to behold from above, is a staggering 950m, which is over 3,100 feet long without any support. The Sky Bridge, which is accessible via a short walk down a steep forest-surrounded series of steps from the top of the cable car, is equally impressive. It's a single-point, side-spar cable-stayed bridge, that's dramatically curved and terminated on each end with a triangular viewing platform. At 650m (2,145 ft.) above sea level, the views of the sea, the numerous islands, and the forested peaks of Langkawi, are spectacular. We were really lucky with the weather... just enough clouds to lend interest and impact to the blue sky, without obscuring any of the land. I'll just post a series of pictures here, most of which need to be clicked on and enlarged to be fully appreciated...
Blue sky and clear water at Pantai Cenang |
At one of my favorite streetside cafes, Artisan's...
pretty good pizzas here! |
Cable car ride (left) over the forest canopy |
Here's the drama: The 42-degree plunge along a
nearly 1-km length of unsupported cable |
The Andaman Sea and a handful of islands in the distance,
from the Middle Station of the Cable Car ride |
Approaching the Sky Bridge:
Not a place for acrophobes |
Looking out on the horizontal cable section between the
Middle Station and Top Station |
A full view of the amazing Sky Bridge from the Cable Car as we began our descent |
After spending a couple of hours at the Cable Car and Sky Bridge, we meandered back to Kuah and the jetty, so we could catch the final 7 p.m. ferry back to the mainland.
The view from the jetty as we boarded the ferry |
We reclaimed my car, a muddy, filthy mess by this time, and headed east on the highway back to Changlun. There, we stopped for a dinner break, then got back on the road, which soon joined the proper North-South Highway, and the extortionate tolls recommenced. All told, we spent about RM125 in tolls and another RM200+ on gas. But what a fun trip! Oh, and on the five-hour journey from the northern extreme of Peninsular Malaysia back down to the KL area, it literally rained the entire time. The good news, though, is that my car was considerably cleaner when we arrived back home than it was when we left Kuala Perlis!
So on the road trip, because I've always found it important to note such details, we logged 1,069 km, or about 640 miles. It was definitely an enjoyable experience... one I'd certainly repeat, this time maybe going further into Thailand and/or staying longer on Langkawi!
Coming soon... a three-week trip back home to Colorado for Christmas and New Year's. I can't believe 2011 is almost over!