I took the picture above from Batu Ferringhi beach on the north coast of Penang. It actually looks quite nice, but the reality is, the beaches there are not Malaysia's best. You can't always believe what you see in photos! As for Penang, it is a Malaysian state, an island, and—colloquially—the name of the largest city on the island, as well. (The proper name is Georgetown.) The state of Penang extends to the mainland, but when anyone here says, "I'm going to Penang," they mean the island. Georgetown, named for England's King George back in Malaysia's colonial

The New Year's festivities were at the old colonial fort on the coast called Fort Cornwallis and the event was called "Rock the Fort 2009." We got to see some pretty good live music, and at midnight, of course, a great fireworks show. There were loads of people there, and we went went out for some good street food afterwards, so we didn't get back to the hotel until about 2:30 a.m.

The drive back to KL was not quite as pleasant as the drive to Penang. First, we got to drive through a torrential downpour for a good long time—probably a solid half-hour of sheets of rain falling from the clouds. And then, shortly after nightfall, we were driving along and probably only 25 miles from KL and the traffic just ground to a stop, then proceeded to just barely crawl along. On and on this went, in the rain (which wasn't as heavy by then) for over 40 minutes. We kept thinking it was a police roadblock or something, maybe an accident... but when we finally got to the point where we could see what was actually causing all the mayhem and despair, it was funny and a bit anticlimactic. Mangos. Hundreds of them, all over the road. A truck had lost its
load (it was pulled over a bit further on), and crates of mangos were scattered everywhere. Even at the time, it was pretty amusing that after all that delay and drama, it all turned out to be the fault of a bunch of rogue mangos.

So that's the Penang trip. It wasn't spectacular, but it was quite enjoyable, and I'm happy I got to go. In Malaysia, a five-hour drive is considered a "long way," so I'm glad I was able to do it and experience a real road trip here and not have it end with me riding home in a tow truck or having things fall out from under my car on the roadway.
Since returning to work on January 6th, after a wonderful 3 1/2-week holiday break, I've been incredibly busy, so that's why I haven't updated the blog in nearly three weeks' time. (You'll note that the entry date is January 4th, which is when I started writing it, so I didn't ignore it completely... it just took awhile to complete!) I'll try to do better here soon! One of the students I tutor was desperately trying to get numerous essays completed for applications to American colleges and the other student I tutor just started his first semester at a prestigious international school here, so between that and my regular job, I've been somewhat buried. I must say, though, that having nearly a month off (paid!) was really, really nice. If you have the opportunity to try it, I highly recommend it. :)
Next up, a friend of mine from the U.S. is visiting me for Chinese New Year. In an odd coincidence, he's in Seoul, South Korea, teaching English and I'm here in KL. He has the time off, so he'll be flying down to Malaysia and will spend six days here. I get to play host for the first time!

So that's the Penang trip. It wasn't spectacular, but it was quite enjoyable, and I'm happy I got to go. In Malaysia, a five-hour drive is considered a "long way," so I'm glad I was able to do it and experience a real road trip here and not have it end with me riding home in a tow truck or having things fall out from under my car on the roadway.
Since returning to work on January 6th, after a wonderful 3 1/2-week holiday break, I've been incredibly busy, so that's why I haven't updated the blog in nearly three weeks' time. (You'll note that the entry date is January 4th, which is when I started writing it, so I didn't ignore it completely... it just took awhile to complete!) I'll try to do better here soon! One of the students I tutor was desperately trying to get numerous essays completed for applications to American colleges and the other student I tutor just started his first semester at a prestigious international school here, so between that and my regular job, I've been somewhat buried. I must say, though, that having nearly a month off (paid!) was really, really nice. If you have the opportunity to try it, I highly recommend it. :)
Next up, a friend of mine from the U.S. is visiting me for Chinese New Year. In an odd coincidence, he's in Seoul, South Korea, teaching English and I'm here in KL. He has the time off, so he'll be flying down to Malaysia and will spend six days here. I get to play host for the first time!
More later... sorry for the delay on this entry!